Start 8x8 Matrix - with json

I would like to start my 8x8 matrix with a json file.


Sorry - I have no idea :roll_eyes:
What can I do?

Vielen Dank :wink:

Mein Projekt:


versuchs mal damit
IP = deine IP des controllers

curl -X POST "http://IP/json/state" -d '{"on":true,"bri":4,"seg":{"id":0,"i":[0,2,"4ffffd",2,6,"f9fe1b",6,9,"4ffffd","f9fe1b",10,14,"000000","f9fe1b","4ffffd",16,18,"f9fe1b",18,22,"000000",22,24,"f9fe1b","4ffffd",25,31,"000000",31,33,"4ffffd",33,39,"000000",39,41,"4ffffd",41,47,"000000",47,49,"4ffffd",49,55,"000000",55,57,"4ffffd",57,63,"000000","4ffffd"]}} -H "Content-Type: application/json"

ja Danke habe dann hier im Forum doch noch was gefunden:

Und hat das gleich funktioniert ?

Ja, komischerweise - habe ich mal Glück gehabt. :man_shrugging: :wink:
Es gibt ja viele Möglichkeiten hier: