Touch input not working [resolved]

EDIT: I have found the problem, which was not WLED’s fault, but not really mine either. Turns out, all 3 jumper wires I had grabbed out of my collection were bad. Once I removed the jumper wire and touched the gpio pin with my finger, it worked. Did a continuity test on the wires with my meter and they were all broken. I took off the plastic connectors to inspect the wires and they had all been mis-fabricated by the factory. :roll_eyes:

I can’t seem to get capacitive touch to do anything.
version 0.14.1 on esp-wroom-32

I hooked up a wire to GPIO15 and ive also tried GPIO4, and even attached a piece of foil to it.
Set button 0 to touch, and saved a preset numbered 1. In macros set the button short press to 1.
I’ve tried all kinds of values for the touch threshold, and nothing seems to work. All i’ve managed to do is lock up the device so that it was completely unusable until I reflashed, or lose my preset and have it tell me I don’t have any presets but there is a backup available.

I don’t get it.

I lost count of the number of times my esp32 has gone back to wled factory defaults after editing the button settings. Doesn’t seem like this should be possible.

One of the defaults for Button “0” is to “Reset to Defaults” after a LongPress (12s?).
If you set that up to a different preset in the config you should be able to defeat that “feature”

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That would explain it probably. Thanks for that tip. I figured out my original problem too and updated the post.