I have two 8x32 WS2812b panels. I want to use them to behave as a single 16x32 panel (vertical orientation). I tried everything I can think of to get them to act like 1 large panel. I had no issues getting them to work horizontally (8x32 next to the second 8x32, scrolling text scrolls off 1 onto the other horizontally). I am just using the JST plugs on my bench for now and I have one plugged into the other (being fed by 5v PS - I can do it properly with injection later once I get it working).
Is there a way to configure this? I am running WLED latest from GIT that I compiled with sound reactive usermod. Not really sure what the top section is even for in Matrix view, but I tried setting that to 32x8 (it does width first) and I tried 32x16. I tried flipping horizontal and vertical and I am using serpentine, but its all guessing and no combination ever gets both panels working. 1 works fine, but when I add the second one, the first one goes dark (second one acts like its the only panel). I have total LED’s set to 512, I tried 2 panels on the matrix settings (and tried defining as one big panel). Also tried adding segments, but nothing is working out for me.
Anyone got any ideas I can try? I feel like I’m missing something simple, or I just can’t do what I am trying and have to get two 16x16 to make this happen…