I’ve chained 2, 16x16 panels and I’d like to configure WLED so they look like 1, 16x32 display. So far, I’ve not been able to get that done. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Hello and welcome ,
As an example we have a setup with two 16x16 matrix arranged horizontally running on SRWLED 13.0.b4 and used with xlights , kinda stable
Thanks for the reply! My configuration page doesn’t look the same as the one you posted. I don’t see a choice between “Strip or panel” or any of the “2D” choices. My chained matrices are simply connected to an ESP32 running WLED.
Yes the one I showed you is the SRWLED ( sound reactive wled ) which has support for extra effects related to matrix . You can still use your matrix with normal wled if you configure it as 512 led strip . You can choose which version to install from here https://install.wled.me/
I’ve tried configuring using 512 LEDs, but the effects still start on the left panel before moving to the right one. What I want is for the two panels to effectively work as a single 32x16 panel. Maybe that’s not possible???
Yes it is possible if you install srwled from the link i sent and configured the matrix as shown above , good luck
I see. Thanks for your patience!
no problem , please let us know if you got it to work
Well…it looks like I’ve taken 2 steps back. I was able to install the Sound Reactive version of WLED, but WLED couldn’t find it. I decided to start over with another ESP32 and, now, my Windows 11 laptop won’t connect to it. So…I’ve got some issues to iron out before getting back to where I was.
Oh , if you still face issues then try discord here , could be faster WLED
OK…I’m good to go. I failed to properly set-up WiFi the second time around. The effects now work across both 16x16 panels that are laid out horizontally effectively make a single 32x16 matrix. Thanks for all your help!
Glad to see it working for you , enjoy
Quick question, I have several 8X8 panels. I can not seem to find the hardware panel setting in the 13.1 firmware. do i need different fw or am i just missing something? used to be really easy to find.
Ill give that a try. Thanbs
Sorry to be a PITA, but can you send a link to the .bin? i used the WLED_0.13.0-b6_ESP8266.bin from github, and it did not add the desired functions. I have to do these boards OTA.
if you scroll up the post, it is for the testing done with esp32 .
For esp8266( which is no longer supported by SR and I no longer use with SR ) you can try the unofficial installer from this link WLED installation (wled-install.github.io) try version 13.0-b3 .
The good news is that soon 2d will be supported by normal wled and esp8266 ,we are still testing but you could also try it here GitHub - blazoncek/WLED at 2D-support
Good Luck