Help my ssd1306 is not working on my wemos shield.
I have a esp32 wemos board and connected a ssd1306 128x32 screen.
Sck port is 22 sda is 21.
I have no rotary switch( i hope this works also).
And i slodered the r5 and r6 resistor to the board but no work no.
Can anyone help???
Greetings Igor.
Please please help me, or am I at the wrong forum?
I tried everything new wemos board new shield new ssd1306 i2c board new software and I cant get it to work nothing happens on the screen. I am missing something a d I dont know what. I also read all the ssd1306 related issues but nothing helped.
I am verry greatfull for your help.
Greetings Igor.
I don’t use a display, but do you have the correct firmware?
[WLED_0.14.4_esp32_display_dallas_rotary_encoder_battery_stat.bin] [@Aircoookie][firmware v0.14.4 release build 2409070] last week
" [WLED_0.14.4_esp8266_display_rotary.bin] [firmware v0.14.4 release build 2409070] last week"
There is info on the usermods here: WLED/usermods at main · Aircoookie/WLED · GitHub
Thanks verry much for thinking with me.
I discovered that I made a mistake. I isolated the backside of the screen and I removed the exess tape around the print but I didnt see the connection of the screen thats the one I snipped true with my scissors.
So that was my problem. I now have a moon version of the software running and it works great.
Thank you all for putting up with me.
Greetings Igor
Thank you very much
Met vriendelijke groet
Igor van Vegchel
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