Will srg74 "display" custom compile work as-is with SSD1306 128x32 & 128x64 OLED displays?

I have several Wemos D1 mini boards (ESP8266) currently working fine with the standard WLED 13.3 compile.
I ordered 2 of each of these and would like to get them working with WLED.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08J2FPK99 (SSD1306 128x64)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F9F8BYB (SSD1306 128x32)

@srg74 will your “display” custom compile

work as-is with SSD1306 128x32 & 128x64 OLED displays available on Amazon?
What OLED i2c address is set in your custom compiles?

The SSD1306 128x64 OLED displays have 2 jumper-selectable i2c addresses.
The SSD1306 128x32 OLED displays do not indicate what their i2c address is.
I read here that the base addresses are 0x3c

I expect I’ll need to use the same i2c pins used in the Wemos shield.
Shield pinout: For ESP8266 based boards:

  • GPIO5 - D1 - I2C SCL
  • GPIO4 - D2 - I2C SDA

Thanks for any help.

Yes both displays will work

Thanks for that answer.
Where does the i2c address get called out?
Is it in that user mod file?


Don’t worry about address it will work.

I believe you, and these displays will work.
I’m just curious to learn how WLED knows which i2c address to send the display commands to?

address is in library if you want to change you have to add a code line.