I have updated the ‘SD1306 128x32 OLED via i2C’ usermod to work with the WeMos D1 Mini 64x48 pixel OLED shield that many users may have access to. I am not sure how to upload/share the CPP/INO file and BIN file so that others may use it.
In the meantime, I have shared it with Aircoookie in the hope that he can help with this.
@DWiskow What exactly you want to use? For SSD1306 we have couple user modes. You can copy one to folder wled00 and replace with your code in file usermod.cpp Than recompile code in Arduino and this is it.
I was wondering if you could help with something similar?
I’ve got a TTGO LORA32 ESP32 board that has a built in OLED but not sure how to get this usermod to work with it:
Has anybody implemented the small size OLED in a v2 usermod? I believe that would be useful to many. I’ve tried compiling with the included cpp file but it throws an error about class ws2812fx not having a member named getmode.
Yeah that’s what I was saying in the first post, I think I looked at every usermod’s description with no luck. Wouldn’t know how to code it myself unless u can point me in the right direction. Or maybe suggest a way to make the provided cpp file of this post compatible? Thanks again.