Wiring diagram to control two LED rings?


I’ve used WLED on a couple of projects already so I’m fairly familiar but I wanted to check my approach for a new project.

I have 2 x NeoPixel circle ring with 16 sixteen addressable WS2812 5050 RGB LEDs. I’d like to control them both from a D1 Mini and a power everything from a portable 5V 2amp phone power pack.

How should I wire the rings?
5V DC barrel connector VCC and GND to both rings and the D1 Mini?
Data from the D1 Mini to the Data on both rings?

I’m guessing that I should use segments in WLED?

Advice appreciated!

Connect one from esp to DI and second ring from first ring DO to second ring DI. In settings say you have 32 LED count. In GUI you can do segments if you want them separate effects.


Oh! That’s easy. It worked perfectly. Thank you.