I’ve run ‘esptool.py erase_flash’ but it doesn’t make a difference. I’ve waited well over 5 minutes for the AP to show but it doesn’t appear in my Mac or Android device. I’ve successfully used WLED on other esp8266 boards without issue.

In any case, I’ve tried again with pyflasher and the bin WLED_0.10.2_ESP8266.bin from releases. The AP appears but it doesn’t want to connect:

If you try scanning this QR code, does it work: image

The AP coming up is fanastic. Do you cycle power on the ESP8266 before trying to connect the first time? I am assuming yes is the answer.

If you review the flash mode requirements for your specific ESP8266 (one source: https://github.com/espressif/esptool#flash-modes ), you might find Quad I/O is needed to properly flash and boot.

Also, I think you would enjoy baud rate 921600 much better than 115200.

thanks for the help huggy-d1 :slight_smile: I wasn’t aware of the relevance of the flash modes.

I’ve tried all 3 modes:

  • Quad I/O (QIO) shows the AP network sometimes but doesn’t connect, leds go orange (after second reboot) and the “flash” button turns them on and off
  • Dual I/O (DIO) shows the AP network sometimes but doesn’t connect, leds go orange (after second reboot) and the “flash” button turns them on and off
  • Dual output (DOUT) never shows the AP network, leds go orange (after second reboot) and the “flash” button turns them on and off

I haven’t found any pattern that makes the AP always come up, sometimes it feels as if the order in which I do these (going from DOUT to QIO or from DIO to QIO) makes a difference but it could be other factors like how long I wait to reboot waiting for the AP to show.

Tested these always with the “wipe” option enabled. Scanning the QR code on the phone still doesn’t work.I press the reboot button (or unplug) after flashing, leds go multicolour after the first reboot, the button responds to turn them on and off, AP never shows until I reboot again (and leds go orange).

Try the following: Dual I/O, 921600 baud, and then for the AP-mode prompt, try another device or 10… android, iOS, PC with wifi, laptop with wifi.

Inspired by this thread in GitHub https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/issues/1273 I thought I might try flashing an order version of WLED. I tried 8.5.0 and it immediately worked (flashing with DIO mode). Doing an OTA to 0.10.2 bricked the device again (flashing 8.5.0 on top without wiping the flash brings it back with all the configuration).

Testing several different versions, it seems 0.8.6 is the first version where it breaks.

Selecting ‘wipe data’ when flashing 0.8.6 made it work, doing some more tests 0.9.0-b1 doesn’t work (neither does 0.9.1).

Thank you for continuing to post updates. I recently bought a wemos d1 mini specifically to use with wled and am facing the same issue. Basically, the flash goes okay (tools say successfully completed) but I can never connect to the wled-ap ssid to further setup the device. I also bought a nodemcu (also based off esp8266) and had the same experience with that too. Essentially the flash goes okay but I can never connect to the ad-hoc ap mode (wled-ap). So, using two different esp8266 devices, and 3 different clients ( two separate laptops, a pixel phone) I can never connect to WLED-AP.

To be sure the boards weren’t doa, I was able to flash both with esphome and they reliably connect to my network. Yes, you read that right, esphome works completely fine and is stable on both of these boards. I use home assistant and that picks them up too.

To try and get WLED working, I’ve tried all the suggestions in this thread, including flashing with DIO mode, QIO mode, trying different flashing software (NodeMCU PyFlasher, ESPHome-flasher, etc.). Each time I’m making sure to check the box to clear the flash. I’ve also tried every single firmware binary from 8.5.0 and newer (so your latest success @kendersec didn’t work for me, unfortunately). Each time the experience is pretty much the same. Flash goes okay, I either unplug or press the reset button, wait a few minutes and then see WLAN-AP network show up (it eventually does), I try to connect, and then the network then just disappears and I can’t connect.

Looking through the windows logs, I see these errors/debug info:
Wireless network association started.

Network Adapter: Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter
Interface GUID: (removed for privacy)
Local MAC Address: (removed for privacy)
BSS Type: Infrastructure
Authentication: WPA2-Personal
Encryption: TKIP
802.1X Enabled: No

WLAN AutoConfig service failed to connect to a wireless network.

Network Adapter: Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter
Interface GUID: {removed for privacy}
Connection Mode: Connection to a secure network without a profile
Profile Name: WLED-AP
BSS Type: Infrastructure
Failure Reason:The specific network is not available.
RSSI: 255

I’m kind of at my wits’ end on this. Based on the fact that I’ve tried multiple known to be working microcontrollers, I’m inclined to believe that WLED is simply not going to work for me. Seeing at how many threads I can find with folks having this exact same issue… how do I say it… maybe this just super buggy software?

I tried downloading the source and compiling following the instructions on the github page (using VS Code & an extension), and was able to successfully compile from source. The .bin that was output had the same issue, unfortunately (wifi network WLED-AP shows up, nothing can connect to it). I then changed the default password in const.h - (https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/blob/7875a961378b1bfb582da8c611e1dfc14918a5c1/wled00/const.h) and that didn’t work either.

I recently, in reviewing the code, stumbled upon this, which should allow one to skip the WLAN-AP part of setup entirely, compiling in the wifi network name and password: (https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/blob/7875a961378b1bfb582da8c611e1dfc14918a5c1/wled00/my_config_sample.h) I’m going to give the above a shot when I get a chance.

Dup it here.
From https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/issues/1273#issuecomment-732349021

I think i found a problem in handleWs() inside WLED::loop()

@mrloggyst Thank you so much for your support and for adding in your notes to the github issue. I pulled it up and saw that you can’t change the label, but also am encouraged by your finding about handleWs(). When you mention Dup, are you suggesting I should add a comment to the issue? If so, I’m happy to do so though I am not really a developer so I’m not sure how my comment can help.

Beyond that, I wanted to share that the route of hardcoding the network name and password (which feels not so secure, but… anyway) as described here: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/blob/7875a961378b1bfb582da8c611e1dfc14918a5c1/wled00/my_config_sample.h

WORKED FOR ME. Basically, despite putting in my SSID and password, the device didn’t connect by default. Instead it spun up the WLED-ap network, but this time I was able to connect from my phone and configure it. I’m going to try it with a few more of the wemos d1 devices (I guess I have a “clone?” not sure) but I’m encouraged by the fact that I was able to get one working! Now, if only I hadn’t thrown in the towel so early and returned the LED light strips I was intending to use…

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the same binary didn’t work for subsequent devices. Back to the drawing board… At least I now have one working.

UPDATE2: The first time I got a device working was using the platformIO uploader in VS Code. That same technique did not work for the second device (despite trying multiple times). As I was about to throw in the towel again, I tried one last time uploading the compiled binary using a different flasher (NodeMCU PyFlasher, with 921600 Baud, DIO, and wiping all data) and it worked (and this time connected directly to my wifi network)! :sweat_smile:

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And device is work well after that? All is ok?

Also having the same problem with the same device as OP. WLED ap is nowhere to be found despite same board showing up as AP nicely with ESPHome, Tasmota or HTTP updater from the WLED wiki. Tried erasing flash and flashing using ESP Home Flasher and using OTA with HTTP updater…

I was also running into this so I switched to esp32. But unfortunately the ESP does not seem to provide enough power on the data line to drive the ws2801 without a level shifter.
The NodeMCU aperantly does. It ran just fine 0.8.6 until I decided to update to 0.11. Now I dont see any AP anymore. Tried two different boards with erasing the flash prior and different I/O Sttings. Strangely enough one of the units lights up it’s led on startup and the other does not. When flashing 0.8.5 it kind of works but after entering wifi credentials they don’t connect and the AP does not show up anymore.
I tried with precompiled WS2801 Builds as well as compiling via platform IO

I’ve flashed 4 devices successfully (and am using the light strips perfectly) after compiling in the network name & password following https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/blob/7875a961378b1bfb582da8c611e1dfc14918a5c1/wled00/my_config_sample.h, mentioned a few posts back. As far as I’m concerned, this approach is a successful workaround.

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this worked for me too. Wonder what the reason is though. :thinking:

I have only ever got 8.5 version to work as a AP.

have tried various ESP8266 hardware devices all work when I upload wifiscan.ino arduino examples. But failed when compiling and uploading from source Wled checked out version labeled 8.5 and hey the Access Point springs to life.

I assume there must be some breaking change in the newer code. I have used the VS Code platformio extension. pleasantly suprised buy the editior.

Have now loaded latest version on new AZ_delivery NodeMcuV3 and it works perfectly .

Selected ESP7 on default enviroment in VS Code . will try again on my earlier esp8266 devices

Hi all, me too i’m having problems using WLED on a sonoff basic V1 hw (esp8266ex 1Mbit). Just the WLED_0.8.6_ESP01_1m_ota.bin version is running, any other newer versions don’t show AP and don’t connect to an existing wifi if i set credential in my_config.h

Here some info about my tests:

I’m available for testing but currently i need hints about how to go on.

I don’t think the myconfog file does anything if you load the binary. That would only apply if you compile your own.

The latest binary should work as long as it is less than 1mb not sure if it is or not. If you don’t get an ap I suspect the file did not load properly what are you using to load it?