WLED randomly turned on

Hi all and thanks for any would like to help me
I have at least 10 WLED strips (WS2812) working perfect with different ESP32 chips.
Recently i bought 10 ESP8266 and i setup 2 strips to work with them.
Apparently, everything is working as expected, but i got random power on on both.
The absolutely absurd thing, is that both modules, connected to the same network, and both to alexa (i write this just to be clear on any aspect of the behaviour), are powering on in the exactly same moment.
I than setup an MQTT broker (server) and config both ESP8266 to send there events.
Here you can see, for example, CUBO and MOBILETTO, as i named devices. The events are exactly the same: i turned off both at 00:48 (go to bed) and both turned on randomly at 09:05 (and two more “online” events after, i don’t know why…)
Other information:

  • both ESP8266 are powered by 2amp USB power supply + good USB cable
  • both strips (96 leds and 60 leds) are soldered straight to the ESP8266 5v/G/DATA (exactly as any other strips, with ESP32, i own)
  • i disabled any automatic schedule present on WLED configuration

except this, i didn’t notice any random “turn off”… when they are turned on, they stay on

they are different devices, exact same events on MQTT

Sometimes we end up on a road that we are trying to avoid in the first place , the external control
and pooling of too much info from wled could be the cause . I do face the same like that as we do a lot of automation so boot preset is what I use around that and sometimes re-flash . ESP8266s that we use are not as good as the setups with esp32 but still if you removed all external control and faced the issue then might be you could use debug build to see why

thank you for your answer. I’m agree with you… often, external control may be the cause of these kind of problems, but that’s not the case. I just only enabled alexa on configuration. That’s all. I know ESP8266 are less powerfull than an ESP32, but i don’t think the load is so heavy… and, even if it is, why the problem is when the load is NOTHING, because it’s turned off…?
I used an identical ESP8266 for a 7 segments x4 + 2 dots clock, connected to the same wireless and even with alexa (all coded by me) and it’s working perfect (I’m attaching a photo :smile:)

Ok, probably i found a workaround to avoid this behaviour… i disabled the lights on on reset/powerup… i hope it will be working :crossed_fingers:

Could be the usermod or the esp8266 and external control is there whether it is big or small we cant really tell , if you want to get to the bottom of that then it might help you and others to dig more and might be make a detailed issue that could be replicated by other on github . But if you have a workaround then thats what i would do :smile:

This random turn on/off has been happening to me since updating to version 0.14.3 and adding WLED service to my Home Assistant setup.
I’m running a simple string of 50 LEDs with an esp8266 on a Wemos D1 clone.
It had been working fine until the noted software changes so I don’t think this is a hardware problem.

I saw this posting about mDNS on reddit/WLED that sounds similar.

I tried blanking out the mDNS box in the WLED settings and rebooting. It didn’t help. The lights turned on randomly about 15 minutes later.

Now, I will remove the WLED service from Home Assistant and see if that stops the random turn on/off problem.

It’s been about 36 hours since I removed the WLED Service from Home Assistant - no random on/off events with WLED in that time!

It’s been 23 days without problems.
Clearly, the WLED Service for Home Assistant was the problem!