Adding Light Bulbs with GU 10 and ESP8266

Hey folks,

I am absolutely enthusiastic about WLED project.
So far I have been programming my ESPs with code I programmed myself.
So lucky to find this project… :slight_smile:

I worked with DMX and Artnet already, however, I was wondering if anyone
has considered to equip common light bulbs with WLED code.

Plenty of GU 10 bulbs are installed in my house - it would be awsome to
make them WLED compatible.

I found these with ESP 8266. Colors are connected to different GPIOs and
controlled via PWM.

Are there plans to include code that could drive those?
Any solutions yet?

Curious to hear your answers

Analog (PWM) is supported.

If you able to flash Tasmota on it than maybe WLED will work.