Artnet channel to control presets

I’m thinking of building my own light fixtures for stage using pixel strip and ESP32. There are nice options for WLED to switch presets by push buttons. Is there possibility to do same thing with Artnet control?

I know I can control eatch pixel with Artnet. What I would like is to switch presets + individual pixel control. Example:
ch1 - dimmer (already implemented in WLED)
ch2 - mode (0 - artnet pixel control as already implemented in WLED, 1…255 - preset control, 1 selects preset 1, 2 selects preset 2 … till 255)
ch3…ch512 - individual pixel control as already implemented (ch3 red1, ch4 blue1, ch5 green1, ch6 red2, ch7 green2 and so on…).

Is there anything I just described?

See Preset mode.

Can’t do both preset and individual at the same time since both would then obviously be conflicting.

Why conflict? As stated in my example, If ch2 = 0, use ch3…ch512 to control individual colors as in normal Multiple RGB mode, just start from ch3 not ch1. If ch2 = 1 trough 255, ignore any stuff on ch3 trough ch512 and use corresponding ch2 value to preset, e.g. if ch2=102, then play preset 102 and ingore channels 3-512.

There are stage lighting fixtures that does stuff like this, to enable sound-to-music modes, ready made effects to simplify light efect programming for show. There I got the idea.

Unfortunately I’m not a coder, to do this myself and make a fork from WLED official release.

I have used WLED running on an ESP8266 using E1.31 (“Wireless DMX”) through a hidden-SSID access point connected to an ETC light board. But I was only using simple fade-up-fade-down on strips of WS2812 LEDs. Nothing complicated, no patterns, no presets. I’ve also used ESPixelStick firmware for the same thing - it does that and not much more, which in a way, was an advantage in a theatre setting: less to go wrong.