Avoid led strip to load last known state at power on

Hi, I’m new to WLED and looking for a way that when turning on the ledstrip, it “wipes in” first and ends on a solid color (like this: Reddit - Dive into anything). I have achived this effect through a preset, however each time I turn on the led strip by activating that preset, the led strip briefly flashes it last know state (solid color) first before starting that preset.

I have unchecked to turn on led on on power up but still doing so. Any advise how to solve this?

What happens if you set a startup preset that simply has “Off” as a start state?

If that starts fine, then do a startup that is a playlist of Off followed by what you want.

@divsys is it possible to set an “off” state?
I have tried this with a solid color and brightness to 0. This does work, but only if I’m toggling between the states. If I really power off the strip (the last known state was one with color) and run my playlist it still is jumping to the last known state first, then cycles through the playlist: off > wipe > solid.

I just saw a comment of yours on another forum: including “tb”:0 in the preset did the trick. Now it works as I’d like :wink:

So I’m assuming it was not an issue of showing the last known state, but rather that it was starting at a random position…?

Yah, that occurred to me but, normally it’s an issue when jumping between various effects not at startup.
It’s one of those “magic” settings that makes sure the effects system is starting from “0”.

Glad you got it working!

You should use transition 0 instead.
Or make colors of the start and stop effect the same.

@blazoncek I have both set up in the way you describe indeed.