Just fade in an LED strip... and stop at full bright?

WLED can do loads of complex effects. Cool. Can it just fade up an LED strip to full bright and then hold it there? Seems all the effects go on ad infinitum. I know I’m missing something, and honestly have done some searching but… no joy.

Use a playlist with 2 presets.
Preset1: Fade
Preset2: Solid

That’s what normal power-on does.

this is a timing issue what @pfurrie wants to behaving the stripe

the playlist will repeat the effect after a given time @Jinx is it posible to stop a playlist at a preset
guess not then paylist is sopost to play

@blazoncek is it posible to mod the fade up time for a background light to maybe 15sec or more then solid that is the effect lots of people looking for !!
but keeping the WLED benefit to controll by smartphone app
Coutios most keep the default settings so you can access th House next door and change the light!!

thats the effect

Everything is configurable from within WLED. Explore Settings and presets, use KB for reference. In particular JSON API and Presets.

As said in OP, I’ve searched. Shouldn’t be a puzzle for such a simple thing.

Are you certain? What I’m seeing is instant on, instant off. It does control the strip by turning them on and off, but was hoping to transition to the full-on state. I proposed a fade as it is a simple, well-used transition. But could be a quick chase of lights to full on (again, don’t see how to do that).

Super-easy (barely an inconvenience) to get the lights to blink and morph and all chase repeatedly… just select one of the many effects. But not at all clear how to do a transition to full-on and hold it… or if there is even any way to do it, though I suspect there is.

Yes, I am. Set transition > 0.

From the get-go the transition was set at 0.7, though no transition was seen:

I changed the transition time to 3 seconds. There is a fast fade-up of about 0.5 seconds, definitely not 3 seconds. And turning them off does have a transition as well, but it is about three seconds of waiting (nothing happening) and then a quick 0.5 second fade out.

Would seem that the transition time doesn’t work as one would expect. What did I expect? A fade over the entirety of the transition time of 3 seconds… am I doing something incorrect?

Additionally, the transition for the transition time. I’ve not told it to do a fade, but have only set a transition time. How is the actual transition selected? If this were in television production, I’d select the type of effect (fade or wipe) and then select a transition time, and the video switcher would do that effect over the specified time. Right now, I’m not getting the specified time, and don’t seem to be able to select a transition type. Is there a way? What if we wanted to have the lights turn on from one end of the strip to the other, essentially the equivalent of a wipe, and then stop with them all full.

@Jinx ,

Unsure what settings you were recommending for the two presets, so I’ve been testing without getting the thing to work correctly.

Here’s the playlist I created:

The “Off” preset is literally with the output set to off.
The “Red” preset is the strip turned on with full red.

When I activate this playlist, the strip doesn’t turn on at all. The power button on the WLED button bar highlights for one second then unhighlights again:

Here’s the API command for the “Off” preset:


And here is the API code for the “Red” preset:


If I click on the “Red” preset, the LED turn on in red as one might expect, and then clicking the playlist at that point, the strip fades down until it is dark. Basically the opposite of what I want.

Next I try changing the “Off” preset so that is isn’t actually off, just black. Click of the “Off” preset and the strip turns black (looks like off). Click the preset, and the strip fades up to red, though there is a bump in the fade halfway through… no smooth. Also, intuitively, wouldn’t it be better for the strip to actually be off instead of running with only the LEDs set to black? Granted, it isn’t drawing much current.

I had selected the “fade” effect as it seemed to be the most obvious, and would be interested in also being able to run some kind of light “chase” effect the stops when the strip is fully on. This is a transition, albeit more of a “wipe” transition.

My first effort was to explore through WLED, but it isn’t intuitive for this process. Oh sure, I can make the LED strip whatever color I want and start to effect, but to do a simple transition effect to full-on, that’s apparently not so simple. I’ve looked through the KB as well, and it isn’t making this any more clear. Hence why I’m here.

Using Blaz’s reference to the JSON API:

Create a solid whatever color preset you want. Edit the preset and add “transition”:4 or whatever time frame you like for your transition. That should do it.

transition 0 to 65535 Duration of the crossfade between different colors/brightness levels. One unit is 100ms, so a value of 4 results in a transition of 400ms.

Example: {“on”:true,“transition”:4,“bri”:50,

Give that a try.

The transition timing on the preset itself…?
Coming from “black” should fade up from that.
I’ve used it with out knowing i was…

Yep it was a weird day.

Each preset stores it’s own transition value.
Alternative way of input as well as all the above.
One slooooooow fade coming up…!

Which ever way… All roads leed to Rome…

So is the transition value on a preset related to the transition going to it or from it? If a playlist goes between two presets, and each preset has a related transition value (and they happen to be very different), which one is used when going between the two presets?

Strange that a preset would store its own transition value. Presets seem like nouns, and transitions seem like verbs. They should be separate entities, but work together.

@pfurrie the transision methode also has changed over the Version from 0,10-0,15

on your playlist you can also fade by your playlist with brightness insted od OFF use soid brightness 0

Thanks, though since I’m new to this, only the current method is of interest.

I tried having a preset set to black, and a second preset set to full white, and then created a playlist with the two. There several things that don’t make sense:

  1. The “duration” for each preset even in the playlist… it apparently can’t be set to zero. Not sure why I need it.
  2. The “transition” for each preset… what does that indicate? The transition to that preset? From that preset? Since all I’m looking for is one transition – from black to white – which preset matters? Why do the presets even have a transition value? Shouldn’t the presets be a configuration for how the lights are, and the transition a method by which we get to that state?
  3. How reliable is the transition? I was able to make a fade to white, though it was not reliable… would start to fade and then jump in brightness… not smooth. Considering how simple this is, it shouldn’t be taxing the ESP32 processor, should it?

Try it

Two presets two different values

The presets will store the value.

Use as you see fit.

As said above the off state of a preset should preced the on state in a playlist.

The off state can be short as possible in the playlist timing as only needed to set 0 brightness (off state) and the fade preset will just trigger the fade. If in doubt or don’t seem to figure right set both segment transitions the same. Just remember to set it back if your making more presets as its value will carry over… Else you maybe scratching head wondering why odd things are happen… Lol

Or what ever fx or preset it was before invoking the" fade."

If you for example set the seg transition to 10 power off it will fade off.

And on again when you power up the opposite.

Experimenting with this will bring it clearer… Possibly… Helps add another element to your lighting scenes.

IMHO above and below…

Also the fade will fade over set time… But that I will assume is up to the value of your brightness.

So in principle if you set a transition of 20 and brightness 10 it’ll take twenty seconds to ramp 10 steps… May not be that smooth visually…

But other factors will be in play…

I guess it wouldn’t make sence to say not everybodys setup is the same even though it’s the “same” these forums are testimonials to that.

Power supply… if strip are at max power requirements. So many thing. There are many a guru here that would go into explaining the difference that could affect things.

Really is just tweaking your own personal setting and methods for your project.
So the mOre steps it takes the smoother the end result.

Remember the start values from off state brightness values could begin at 50 for example and ramp up to 200 on the second preset I. The playlist.

If yours ramps up at end see if lower the end brightness to a lower value.

Experiment till your happy then you will know what works for you.

On a two-second transition, this should be smooth. Sometimes it is, sometimes not. Makes me think I have something done wrong. Am using the Dig2Go controller with their provided power supply. This is really straightforward. If WLED can’t handle this, then…

Erm " then" …?

I’m sure someone else can aid you further or I’m sure there are other commercial controllers and softwares that may suit you better.