Can I set 4 colors, stationary?

I would like to set my colors Red-Green-Blue-White, stationary, one bulb per color, repeated?

This can be done using segments! You will create 4 segments - 1 for each color. Spacing will be 4 (Edit: Actually 3, thanks Divsys), grouping will be 1, and offset will be 0,1,2, and 3. Then control each segment individually using the “solid” effect and the colors you desire, then turn all 4 segments on. If it looks the way you wanted, then save it as a preset INCLUDING the segment definitions and you should be all set! Segments

I can see where to set the segments, with the grouping and the spacing, but I am unsure on how to assign the color to each segment. Do I set the color, then set the segment, and each color only corresponds to the segment set after the color?

No, you define your segments first. When you have multiple segments available, they can be turned on and off, and can be selected and controlled independently of the other segments.

  • Make all 4 segments (a,b,c,d)
  • Select Segment A
  • Navigate to Effects
  • Select “Solid”
  • Navigate to Colors
  • Choose Desired Color
  • Select Segment B…
    Repeat for all 4 segments

Trickiest part about using segments (IMHO). You have to be extra careful about setting the checkmark to enable the segment you’re currently working on. With the check on colour changes apply, with it off they’re ignored for that segment.
It makes the initial setup a little annoying, but once done it works well.

One other note, Spacing is “0” based so it’s one less than the total # of colours you’re using. In your case Spacing will be 3 not 4.

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You guys rock! I appreciate your help on this. I just got it. It looks great. My wife is happy…

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Just like the old saying “Happy WLED setup…happy life…” :grinning: