Change relay pin to D1 / GPIO 5 for wemos relay shield

Is it possible to change the relay pin D6 gpio012 to D1/gpio5 so i can stick a wemos relay shield on top of a wemos d1 mini ?

The Wemos relay shield uses D1 for controlling the relay.

Do i need to change this in NpbWrapper.h ?
I see in this file D1/gpio 05 is used for some ledtrips other than the WS2811 12V strip i’m using myself.

If i change the NpbWrapper.h can i use the .bin in the future for updates to newer versions of WLED of do i always have to edit and compile newer versions for updates in the future ?

Hi! Yes, this is possible, just set #define RLYPIN 5 in NpbWrapper.h
Unfortunately you’ll have to add this change and recompile every time you want to update, but the current plan is allowing for runtime configurable pins (including the relay pin) in version 0.12.0 :slight_smile:

Hi Aircoookie,

Any idea of the release date for version 0.12.0 ?

Perhaps better to wait for the next release then going through a lot of custom edit :slight_smile:

We just went to 10. :wink:


Can’t promise anything, but I want it to be out before Christmas, preferably in September or October. Will have to finish the file system support for presets and settings (v.0.11.0) first, which I hope to do by the end of July :slight_smile:
But don’t worry about “a lot of custom edit”, it is just changing a 12 to a 5 (given that you use platformio or Arduino to compile yourself, flashing the binary is of course a bit easier)

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