Just added OLED display connector.
I ordered your board from pcbway.
Almost wanted to do quinled dig uno, but then I saw this one.
Dig uno is nixe, but I wanted a relais for cutting of the leds, wich the dig uno doesnt have.
So thank you for this.
1 question, the ressetible fuse you use there (f1), does it have to be exactly that one?
Or can i use another one with about the same specs, as long it does about 900mah cutoff and 500mah hold right?
Ofcourse minimum 12v+.
Cos the RHEF050 here in the netherlands is hard to get and expansive.
Hi! Thank you for choosing my board design. I home you will like it.
Yes you can use any kind resettable fuse as soon it hold about 350-500mA and voltage is about 20V. Also if it difficult to get you can just bypass fuse. I added fuse because a lot of beginners want to use shield for LED lights. You don’t sound like beginner so it’s ok to bypass.
Best regards
Hi guys WLED Wemos shield PCB is updated to new version https://github.com/srg74/WLED-wemos-shield
What was the reason for the new pcb layout?
I see you made it a bit bigger and placement a bit diffirent for a few parts.
Reason is to use Wemos D1 mini and Wemos32 mini on same PCB. But problem is ESP32 based is slightly bigger (4.5mm). Plus I changed Fuse holder for different type because some guys is complaining about previous type.
If anybody want previous versions - Gerber files have been uploaded to repository.
I understand both valid reasons
Hi @srg74 ,
I just ordered your boards at PCBways and wanted to check what in your fork of WLED is changed compared to the master of Aircoookie ?
…is it only the usermods ?
Or are there other changes, too ?
Thx a lot for a reply,
Ralf aka Def3nder
Only a usermods. Everything is updated from Aircoookie.
Hi @srg74 ,
Thanks for the projekt - i am going to build 5 of those shields. But for Europe it is hard to get those 3568 fuse Holder - and on lcsc it is not listed anymore. Any replacement you can suggest ?
Thx a lot,
Those are very common. You can find at Amazon or Online retailers websites. Made by Keystone part 3568