Hello! I recently started using WLED and I use it to control 3 LED strips, however, one of the strips is backwards so whenever I do a preset, for example, chase it ends up running into each other. I tried to do some experimenting with the segments and couldn’t quite figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
You need to set up the 3 strips as segments. The one that is backwards, mark the check box for reverse direction in the segment for that strip. Save them to slot 16 and they should be accessible all the time.
Im trying to do a similar thing. If I have one long strip and I want to reverse direction based on an input from HA. HA stuff I have worked out. But I cant seem to work out the WLED segment part.
I create a new segment thats reversed. But as soon as I hit one of the presets it just disappears??
How is this meant to work?
After you created a new segment thats reversed make sure to save that in a new preset so it will not disapper . Also you could add the api to your HA call
you could end up with something like this for each segment {“seg”:{“id”:0,“rev”:true}}
- So have the effect and colours set.
- Create the segment and set direction.
- Create a new preset for it.
Thanks, Ill give that a go
Yes presets will simplify that or from HA you could also use the api call without the presets but you would have to use the full api call and include other parameters
Thanks for that
I got it worked out in the end, and created two “wipes” that go either one direction or the other down the strip as presets, which I can trigger directly from Node Red using WLED Nodes.
Next I’m waiting for some HLK-LD2410B, MMWave BT modules that can connect directly to HA. The idea should be that I can then create two value templates based on < or > a certain distance to trigger the different presets. If It works lol… it should be very cool
yes will work , any sensor or switch …etc that you have in HA can be used for automation with wled
Hi @1liminal1,
Did you get the mmwave sensor to work with WLED? If so, can you please share how you got this to work?
So I created two presets on the WLED device, each going in a different direction.
Then using a MMwave sensor that shows distance (make sure you are name the right sensor below) add this to your config.yaml in HA, this will give you a sensor that essentially gives you direction as on/off
- platform: template
friendly_name: “Hallway Direction”
value_template: >-
{% if states(‘sensor.presence_detection_distance’) | float > 300 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Then if the sensor is “on” trigger one WLED direction preset and if its “off”, then the other.
I have no idea how technical you are. so if none of this makes sense try asking AI
Hope it helps