'Custom bus start indices' won't remain 'true' 0.14.4

Hi all,

i wonder if anyone has had trouble enabling ‘Custom bus start indices’ in LED Preferences? I’m on 0.14.4 and found that having checked this box to enable the function, upon hitting save this reverts back to false. I found this had been raised on github a year ago LED Settings UI "Custom bus start indices:" and output "Start:" options always revert to defaults if ABL is disabled · Issue #3632 · Aircoookie/WLED · GitHub . Does anyone know if there’s a stable version in which this bug is fixed? or a usable workaround? many thanks J

The original bug noted that turning on the ABL seemed to enable the indices, have you tried turning on ABL?

The other thing to try would be move up to 0.15.0, which has been out for quite a while now.


Just tried 0.15.0, and I found that Custom Bus Indices won’t “hold” unless you actually set it to something other than 0.

Might be a bug(ish) if you want to try it out further and post in Github.