Custom pcb wled controller for use with various usermods

I salute the community, this is my first attempt at getting something fabricated. Feel free to bash at it.

Congrats on your efforts!
It’s especially nice when you open it up to the community :smiley:

As far as critique, it would be a little easier with a schematic of what you’re trying to accomplish here.

The 1st thing I noticed was (I think) the lack of a 100nF bypass cap for the 74HCT245 IC.
You definitely want that if you’re handling 8 GPIOs.
2nd item (I think) it’s not obvious that pin 19 is Gnd’d. It’s possible you’re using an overall ground plane, but that’s not obvious from the picture.

As I said, a proper schematic would go a along way to covering these issues.
Giving the board diagram as 2 separate top and bottom diagrams could be helpful as well.

Once again, good work and keep it coming!

How many layers do you use?
I count 6?
Vias don’t cost extra fee. I think, with some “jumps” per vias is 2 layer for PCB enough - and it’s pretty cheaper like more layers :wink:

Hi and thanks to both for replying. I will try to export multiple views from easyeda and report back. divsys good catch on noticing the missing cap. I knew I was missing something obvious! To answer your other question the blue is the bottom layer ground plane so all GND feeds to that. Again I get this is a bit hectic so I’ll upload the updated version in more clear views as soon as I get to it. Superluminal it’s a 6 layer board. JLCPCB is currently running an offer so I thought why not. Cheers!

  • Theo
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Not sure I should create a new thread for this but here goes for anyone who might be interested. I’ve sent the first one for printing but maybe I rushed it slightly so this is a new version. I skipped power delivery altogether since it’s unnescessary and made the whole thing smaller. I’m including all 6 layers in order of the stackup. GND and GND2 layers are mostly copper planes stiched together by vias but include some routing for signals and 3.3v as well that I couldn’t fit on other layers. Critique is not only welcome but encouraged!







EDIT: Forgot to mark the big cap. It’s 35V 1000uF.

looks like a nice design. just an awful lot of layers for not even trying to push a lot of power…

Thanks for your input. 6 layer pcb currently as JLCPCB comes cheaper or the same as a 2 layer one. Coudn’t see why not :slight_smile:

That is a one time offer? logged in I see: 2$ for 2 Layers, 24$ for 4 layers, 30$ for 6 layers (special offer). Standard price for 6 layers is like 200$ though.

Not sure, I’ve created my account recently and got some coupons, I have one more 30 dollars off so for another 20 or so including shipping I can order another batch. That’s roughly how much it would cost for a 2 layer one as well because of the shipping.