D1 Mini / 4 x WS2812 8x8 panels, only 2 light up

Have D1 Mini, using GPIO2 to 1st WS2812, which then daisy chains to another 3 (4 in total).
Powered externally from 5.5V PSU with a ground run to D1 Mini.

First two 8x8 panels are addressable and work fine, 3rd and 4th show a single white LED in the corner.

Have set LED Preferences to 256 LEDs and turned off “Enable automatic brightness limiter”.

Feels like I have config issue somewhere.

Hi @michaelcrone it seams there is a wire Failue as the Panell show only one white
did you get the right diraction

did the base segment in WLED got 0-256 LEDS in it
as 2 Panels are working the 3-4 must also

Images attached of the 4 boards (2 on left are working, 2 on right have the single LED showing), wiring looks ok but did re-wire just incase.

Have tried settings of 64,128, 192, 256 and nothing seems to fire up the 3rd and 4th panels.

Might not be enough power. Add wires from the far end back to your power supply.

Thanks for the suggestion. Have added +/- from the far end back to the PSU but still the same.
It’s a 30V/10A PSU that I’ve set to 5.5V/max amps (I assume it draws what it needs).

@michaelcrone Hi its a Setup issue as the last LED of the 2nd panel doesent show up

OR sometimes the first or last led goes to Heven as you got no Resistor on it

What controller is in the Magic Black box is ther a levelshifter in use is there a Resistor on the first LED of eatch panel Din i use 1K for panels

Here’s the wiring:

Have also tried removing power between 2nd and 3rd WS2812 and connecting direct to PSU but same outcome.

Haven’t used any levelshifter/resistor.

Tried swapping panels? Seems likely the last LED of the 2nd panel is blown.

Also set your PSU to 5V, 5.5V is above the 5.3V absolute maximum rating of the LEDs, could kill them.

This was going to be my next suggestion.
-Desolder your data from Matrix1 and move it to the input of the 3rd matrix and see if 3 and 4 then light up. No need to change the LED count in WLED.

Use the broken panel as the last and stay with one missing pixel is best to go

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