Dimming non-addressable 12V LED

how do you do that? which one of these to select from this menu? I have been using pin 19 to connect which gpio pin I should select?

this is the board

LED is rated at 30W 12V, so current limit should be 2500mA?

current limiter has no effect on PWM (aka analog) LEDs.
select the one that is appropriate for your LEDs.

Some progress, when I choose Inverted output, led turned on at max brightness.

now the question is how do I dim it, the original purpose of this project. the brightness control slider has no effect on the brightness of the led.

Then you did something wrong or that board won’t work. I’ve seen some that won’t. Link?

I do have backup esp32 and mosfet boards. let me try those. I bought this one WROOM ESP32 Wifi Based Microcontroller Development Board

Finally got it to work, including effects.
Connected Power mofest modules ground to GND on esp 32 as previously shown. Connected ESP32’s D19 pin to PWM/trig on power mosfet.
Opened wled on desktop(same process on app) go to config tab and select LED preferences, select PWM white GPIO pin 19. keep inverted output unchecked. Change color to white and use this slider to control brightness. I will post a video of the setup with effects soon.

Here are the setting I used,

Almost full brightness and solid effect. Power values includes other equiqment too.
almost minimum brightness and blinking effect

Thanks, everybody especially @blazoncek for guidance. . @tonyno for the suggestions. @Aircoookie for excellent code.

@tonyno Change setting on second board too, working fine with all effects.

Now a simple question, how do I set up it to turn on at 10% brightness at dawn and gradually increase in brightness until a peak at 100% at midday remains at 100% until 3pm and then gradually decrease in brightness and shutting down at dusk?
This is my timer setup on my addressable led running with ESP8266

It looks like you did something wrong, so don’t complain later. :slight_smile:
For white LEDs there is a White channel slider (the bottom one) which should be used.

These are my setting on old esp32, adjusting the white slider does nothing, which is strange.
While changing any of the other three i.e Main slider in the top right, color slider pointed with arrow in previous screenshot and temperature slider all three affect the brightness :high_brightness:

Here is a small demo of the project

followup video for this circuit.

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