There are 6 [ESP8266 modules](I bought the boards here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32831353752.html?spm=a2g2w.orderdetail.0.0.4c954aa6i6E6HV&sku_id=10000014440741148). Everything works well in versions 0.13.1 - 0.14.0-b3. The WLED-AP dot appears on the smartphone. I enter the password. The dot appears. The connection occurs. I log into WLED and try to connect to the device, but “LOADING WLED UI…” hangs endlessly on the screen. It’s the same on the computer. I repeat. Everything works fine, including version 0.14.0-b3 on all 6 boards. And it does not work on versions 0.14.0-b4, 0.14.0-b5AR, 0.14.0-b5. Help me please! Don’t know where to look? Very little experience.
I just updated my esp-12f module from 13.3 to 0.14.0-b5 and wifi was not working (can’t even find/connect the WLED-AP), then came across this thread and tried down to b1 and had no luck. Reinstalling 0.13.3 does work.
I also have some esp-12s modules and tried installing 0.14.0-b5 on a fresh new one and it worked!
Don’t know if the esp module needs to be fully deleted and then have b5 installed (haven’t tried a fresh esp-12f and/or fully delete the current one yet) or maybe some esp8226 are not able to handle it?
ESP8266 binaries use newer Arduino core to add support for newer LED chips.
Try erasing flash and reinstalling WLED. Make sure you backup your config and presets.
I tried it, and even using a fresh new 12f and both had the same problem
Only the 12s are able to use 0.14.0-b5
How can I find out what version of my board I have? What is “12”? I bought it here.
I buy the modules only from aliexpress and solder everything, like so
Judging by the picture, the WeMos D1 is using an esp12f (esp12s doesn’t have the bottom pads)
esp12x is the name of the 8266 module, where the letter is the version of it (I don’t know all the technical stuff, but the main difference from f to s is the way to start up the module, but there seems to be something more that makes the f version not being able to connect to wifi when using 0.14.0.bx)
You will need a debug version of firmware and monitor serial output to determine the cause of error.
lusanagi, thank you!
blazoncek, thank you! Can you tell me where I can read more about this?
Ok, I just flashed my ESP12f with the final version of 0.14.0 and it worked without an issue, so maybe the D1 should work as well?
lusanagi, it also works fine for me now on the D1 mini with version 14.0. I don’t know what this was connected with.