Is this board even compatibel?

Hi Guys,

I have bought this board, now i want to connect it,
But i cannot find the GPIO 16 pin on this board.

Can anyone help me? Is this even compatibel for WLED? I have already installed everything except the data pin is not dataing haha


You can use almost any other too if you configure it right.

What strip?

I tried all the G pins already…
im using a WS2812B Strip

What voltage? 12/24V strip won’t work without a level shifter, 5V may or may not

Its a 5v strip

Did you enter the GPIO # for the pin you are using in Led Preferences? You don’t type the ‘G’

Yes, i left it on default at first. tried other pin numbers. No prevail

Can you upload a photo that clearly shows how the power (or usb), the ESP32, and the leds are connected?