I’m sure my title isn’t even close to what I am trying to find out, but I honestly don’t even know what to call it. Hopefully my description will help
I have a basement room with no windows at all where my computer and 3d printers are set up. I spend a good bit of time in there working on different projects. What I would like to do is run a strip of LEDs around the top of the room and have WLED control them to match outside conditions. If it’s night time display “night” colors. If it’s bright show that. If it’s cloudy/raining/whatever. Just some kind of display. Hopefully that makes some kind of sense lol. I have no idea how to even google or search the forum for this seeing as how I don’t even have a clue of what to call it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
There is a usermod that allows you to add a “BH1750 ambient light sensor”.
That could give you an idea of whether it’s dark or bright outside.
Tying in some other weather info might give you something to work with.
The ultimate would be to link in Home Assistant, read live weather info for your area and use it to trigger presets on your WLED module.
I do run Home Assistant already so that would be a possibility. But I have no idea where to even start with anything like that. Do you have any links to some kind of guide for anything? Or just some pointers on which direction to head?
Ok thanks! I have had HA find it every time I have set up WLED so I think I have that part of it. And I have set up automations with it before. But as far as getting it to set color based on weather/outside conditions I am at a complete loss
I saw this thread and it’s a great idea, I would love to do this for some of the darker areas of the house…
I was looking at very inexpensive TCS34725FN based modules that can easily hook up to an Arduino etc (i2c interface) and so could get that information in to Home Assistant or similar and control various LED lighting around the house, those sensors do give RGB and intensity so might be perfect, I haven’t found one that is all packaged up and implments zigbee or other common IoT communications…