My DIY WLED Controller - Comments Welcome

Not so modest :wink:
We all cooking with water, only :wink:
Without brainstorming, everybody will make the same mistakes for itself. Everybody can learn much faster with discussion about schematic and PCB design.
I think, it exist more people with software skills, as with elektronic development skills.WLED is open software and it’s also fair, to give back a hardware solution also for free.
It must not be perfect, but with brainstorming, maybe it will be perfect :smiley:
I have developed a ESP8266 based controller, what be able to solder with RS485 linedriver or 2 levelshifter, or 4 logilevel MOSFETs. The PCB is universal.
Maybe we can merge ouer projects to a solution with ESP32.
That’s my:
My PCB isn’t perfect, i’d forgot some lines and fixed it with wirepices. I can fix my design, but i don’t need much more, like 10 controllerboards :wink:
I work with a old Version from Eagle :upside_down_face: