My two girls wanted to learn how to use a drill, saw, etc and we needed something to build. So say hello to our automated X-mas tree.
WLED is controlling WS2812 LEDs strings, using a Dig-UNO. I’ve made a corona safe, non-touch trigger using a TOF10120 sensor connected to a NodeMCU. Everything is tied together via MQTT in HomeSeer.
Yes, I send a new effect every 3 seconds. It works with WLED 0.11.2 and 0.12.0.
No segment, but I’ve thought about having the star at the top as it’s own segment.
I will do a write up on that.
Yeah, I’ve thought about that, I’m afraid to get lost in the possibilities…
Excellent skills for the kids and great family time in these times of unlimited things to do in front of a screen. No need to stop here! Great job, you all have something to be proud of!