Patterns for Disks?

I got fed up with pitiful solar patio lights, gutted the cases, and replaced the lights with WS2812B 5050 on a circular (100mm) aluminum PCB running off 5V wired power, 6 rings at 30+24+18+12+6 = 90 pixels with the rings evenly spaced radially and the pixels on each ring evenly spaced angularly (see Gerber image below). Overkill, I know :smile: Now, what to show?

Linear patterns look pretty good, with a spiral effect, as do random twinkles etc.
But I’d like to do patterns that reflect the (angle,radial) coordinate system.

Any ideas on how to approach this?

use ledmaps as @ALDIY showed elsewhere
then you can use 2D

you can use multiple mappings for every new preset so you get nice effects running

ledmaps are certainly interesting, and combining with 2D could make some cool displays on the disk.

@TokyoDave How woudt yopu aply a 2D on a Disk
using a Flash effect is moat impressive and ledmapping for the 45/90 deg Bars
so it realy spinns on Base Background or likewise Single /Blink even multi Color Back and single on the Bars

If I follow you, rotating bars is one basic pattern I am doing. The other is lighting up rings one at a time, kind of like a chase, but from the center outwards.
Disks can be thought of in polar coordinates, that is distance from the center is one dimension, and the angle from horizontal is the other dimension. That’s 2D, but the dimensions are different, and its closer to a pie slice rather than a rectangle.

i woudt go for that mapping on your disk

// ledmap1.json
{"map":[0,30,54,72,84,5,34,57,74,85,10,38,60,76,86,15,42,63,78,87,20,46,66,80,88,25,50,69,82,89,1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 90]}

NOTE IP of the WLED/edit
YOU nered to be online with the PC so it graps the live EDITOR
thpe ledmap1.json and CREATE
click it in the side list
then put in the MAP SAVE
go back to normal View
goto Config LEDpreferences and save it
then as i mentiond bevor
USE Blink Red green LED segment 0 LED 0-30
rest segment 31-90 Blink Green red
SAVE preset and in the list choose ledmap1

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I have experimented a little with led mapping for another project.
Thanks for spending the time to look into this. I will give it a try.

@TokyoDave i added a Center pixel to mine so im on 90 /91 yoiu need to change → delete the last pixel if on your disk
here is the result

have fun with mapping

Cool! Is that physical or a simulation? If it is a simulation, what software did you use?

@TokyoDave This is real i just punched the pattern to a 500mm Round pice of Hardpaper
sticking 12mm WS2811 into the 8mm Holes the Way your DISK is wired in numbers
and putting the LEDMAP on it just 2 presets BLINK

You must be a prop maker :slight_smile:
What is the part number for those? I am using the WS2812D-F5 for a project (see my user icon for a first prototype), and I know there is a -F8 as well. They are cool because they are mostly transparent. But I didn’t know about a 12mm.

im not a prop maker im a old man with “a8mm Iron Puncher a pice of Hardpaper and a HAMMER”
there are no props for WS2812 the BULB Ws2811 12mm come in 50pice packs 5USD
if you are in the usa ask for a prop but i think this is not his business as of ws2812 consume lots of power whine the Ws2811 light up with 2mA-25mA
the GIF image above showes full display at less then 200mA its mutch darker then the image showes

I think that WS2811 bulb official part # is WS2812D-F5 or -F8. Nice parts; I have a few hundred on hand for my sphere project. That price is also basically what I am paying, but from China. Japan is typically at least 2x the price.
And thanks for the link. (Is that your channel?) I was thinking of similar effects, but using polar coords instead of mapping. That is a good reference for me.

for your projekt you shoudt go direct FASTLED on Chip
and as you may lok at BIG sphere like the NY eve Ball a tennsy woudt be better
cause it is made for Statiom displays and runs groups satch as your F5 90 Pixel as entire pattern
the Vegas Sphere is Theoretical runed by 16 tennsys in real they got 4 Backup syncronized boards

I’ve got 3 seperate lighting projects that I’d like to try with WLED. But FastLED looks very interesting, and is on my list of things to try.

The sphere project is a collection of 8cm spheres, each comprising 12 WS2812D-F5s and a spinning mirror ball on a speed-controlled motor. Each sphere suspended and moved up and down by a dedicated stepper motor elsewhere. So it will be 3D. Ridiculously complicated, but it gets me into motorized projects, which is my next learning goal - particuarly the mechanical aspects. My inspiration is the Bubble Universe installation at teamLab Borderless in Tokyo.

I’m also thinking of doing a 3D cube with the WS2812D’s - they are basically transparent, which is really nice for such things.

nice Projekts
To your KnowHow there are transparent PCB boards
if you got Time i woudt go for this Homemade is SilverClueSpray on PMMA “Plexiglas” with the 3pins connector it woudt fit the European ligt Wirering 5mm double shielded Rooflight 3x0,5mm²
and then with a 3D printer transparent ornaments or whatever you think

THE FASTLED on a simple unio board woudt do the job best at 40FPS it wout give you 200Full controlled boards
but you alredy got the F5 Ring this will work for 500 of this at 42FPS
it iven gives you a 500pixel roof display acting as F5 as one pixel
THe uni can control the Steppers and the DC motor
the Same with Higher boards like the ESP8266 ESP32 woudt give you onboard aproxximely 127 full 500pixel Color Displays

The transparent PCBs are relatively expensive, and they seem to be hard to solder because they melt at low temp. The yellow ones look horrid. For the cube, as you suggest, I’m thinking clear acrylic. For the spheres, I already have transparent orbs used for DIY ornaments, and the WS2812D with some silvery wires would look fine I think - the prototype did. So I won’t need a PCB for them.
Anyway this is way off topic. So maybe I’ll open a new topic, if there is a category that seems suitable.

infact they arw very cheep inDIY
No soldering at all You need a mask to put the Glue Solder on ((Like Paint Pattern Wallsticker))then you got around 10 min to stick the led to it as clean as you can go as flat as well then after 1hour its harden like real pcb
the fluid clue solder for SMD will work also mutch cheeper and workes even on stone and Wood

As you got 100+ F5 you are done and keep up to them
It has just been a Idee as you go for glas ans shining

Sounds interesting. If you can give product link, I’d be grateful.
I have used silver conductive paint and superglue for small toys, but it is not fun to work with. Here is a version of the popular bamboo spinner toy, reimagined with a PCB comprising a grid of power/GND buses to which you can glue LEDs and connect with conductive paint.