Goodday all,
I have 8 instances controlled with Wiz remote. Preset 1 is a playlist, preset 2 and 3 just a “normal” preset and preset 4=[P1=100&P2=156&PL=~]
If I start all 8 instances and cycle them with whatever button they all act the same (expected). But if 1 Light is out of range or missed something it’s not in the same cycle again.
I expected if I “reset” all to preset 1, 2 or 3 via wiz remote and than cycle again, all would start at 100 again with cycling. But of lights already were at 120, and the new light is only first starting, it starts at 100. Everyone of the lights just adds +1 from whatever position it’s in and i cannot force all positions to 0 again.
EDIT: If i reset it with AP via laptop it does do the expected behavior: with cycling button the light is at prest 130, I press the preset playlist (1) and do preset 4 ( P1=100&P2=156&PL=~) it starts from 100. but if I do the same with the remote, it continues from wherever preset it was.
Then you have 7 units "synced"with presets but 1 out of wack sort to speak. I can only rest all af them at the same time to have them “synced” again, but this fix will not work when we have the lights in our suits with 8 people at a party. Anyone have a guess if it’s expected behavior or