Wled Turning Off Randomly

I have multiple presets saved. These are numbered 3-13. I have one preset to turn off (T=0) at preset 2. So it should not cycle through the off preset.

I have the preset cycle to start at 3 and last is 13 with a couple minutes between presets.

I have configured a timer to come on at a certain time and start on preset 3. This should run and cycle through for a few hours. Lights come on just fine and seems to cycle through. But when I go back and check a few hours later all the lights are off. Driving me crazy.

Do I need to remove the Off preset? If so, how would I automatically turn off the lights. What else could cause the lights to turn off before scheduled?

UPDATE: For some reason all my lights turn off at the start of each hour. No idea why

Thanks for the help.

I typically put my control presets beginning at 100. You might try that.

Thanks. Gave it a try over the weekend and same issues. I think it might be the preset cycle feature. Regardless, I’ve set timers to turn on the lights 1 minute past the hour for the number of hours I want them on. On the good news side, I do not need an off timer.

Quick update. I removed the OFF (T=0) from my favorites and that seemed to keep my lights on and even through all the cycles. Wondering why having that as a favorite (even though I did not have it as a time-controlled preset) would turn off my lights.

Also, if that is the only way to keep my lights on, any ideas on how to automatically turn off my lights at a certain time?

Personally, I’d upgrade to 0.13 beta and use playlists instead of preset cycle. Technically playlists are supported in 0.12 but 0.13 adds a playlist editor and drops preset cycle all together. Playlists are much nicer.

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Thank you. I will give that a try. I’ve had issues trying to flash, but I’ll give it a try.

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Quick update that might be able to help someone else. I upgraded to 0.13b and like it better with the playlist.

I think the cause of my problem was that I wanted my lights to turn off at midnight and I had it set to hour 24. That is when the lights would turn off at each hour. Well, I changed it to turn off at hour 0 and that seems to keep my lights on and turn off at midnight. Silly error on my end. Thanks for those who replied.

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