Timer & Off Button Disabled While Running Presets

Hi all, Has anyone else experienced this on the latest version of Wled?

While running a preset cycle sequence, if I press the app off button the lights fade to off and then re-light continuing the next preset. I found you must un-check the presets and then you can turn off the lights.
I also found the same thing happens when you switch on the timer function while running presets. The timer kicks in and fades to off then switches back on again unless the preset cycle box is un-checked.
Tried it across two controllers with both experiencing the same issue even after a reboot.

yes, this is known behavior. Once the next preset from the cycle is applied, it overrides the brightness set from the off button or timer. I’m thinking about changing this however, the two possible options are:

  • Turn the preset cycle off automatically if lights are turned off and turn it back on after the lights are turned on again. Would not solve the problem with the timer, however.
  • Do not apply master brightness from the cycle, only colors and effects. This would effectively solve this issue, but also mean that you couldn’t set different brightness levels in different presets

I will think about how to best solve it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer. I appreciate how difficult it must be to merge many functions and then implement them under a secondary or master control without creating any conflicts.

Glad I’m not going mad as my presets were set for 45 seconds which was the time the lights were off before switching back on again.

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