1st time I decided to try the MoonModules version on ESP32/ Installed version “WLEDMM_0.14.0-b29.35_universal_shield_esp32_4MB_M.bin”. Everything installed fine.
The question is: What do I need to do so that effects from the page Effects - WLED MoonModules Project appear in the list of effects in the WEB interface? I’m asking about effects numbered 142,151,161,169,170,171,188 - 229, marked with the “Y💡” icon. There are currently only 7 effects in the interface with the “▦” icon. Is this how it should be?
What am I doing wrong? Should these effects appear in the interface list with this firmware?
Setup your unit in 2D ( with a matrix ) then go to config and then Animartrix usermod and enable it and make sure to reboot your unit and you will see the effects at the end of the list
Thanks for the answer. I’m going to try now. I didn’t think to turn on the “2D” mode myself. Do I understand correctly that “reboot your module” means pressing the button on the “ESP32” module? Or some other way?
Yeah it is okay , the one on the left is the mini peek same as if you press on GFX button
or if you type your unit http://wled-ip/liveview2D
The one to the right is for ledmaps and will show you the virtual pixels location if you used custom ledmap
Thank you very much for your help.
I want to play with this too but I can’t actually find the bin file you named.
Is there a web flash tool for the MoonModules version?
WLED installation (wled-install.github.io) look at the bottom of the drop down list
Edit to add: figured it out. The XL builds do not have Animartrix. I found it here:
Thanks! But…
A couple of days ago I had actually already found that site and installed that exact build, and I have a 2d matrix configured… but the Animartrix usermod is not visible.
I just reinstalled and set up the matrix again… Rebooted the device and I cannot see Animartrix anywhere in the config.
Under info I see:
Under /settings/um this is the list of usermods:
Have I missed a setup step to reveal Animartrix or do I need a different bin?
Might be the XL builds is busted , try the M build which is tested above
As far as I know, the XL version requires an ESP32 with 16 mb memory. I installed the version with the letter “M”.
Here is this version WLED-wemos-shield/resources/Firmware/@MoonModules/latest/WLEDMM_0.14.0-b29.35_esp32_4MB_M.bin at master · srg74/WLED-wemos-shield · GitHub
(I was able to install the XL build on my 4 MB device. )
@ALDIY the M build has what I wanted, thanks.
I am all set now.