I thought there was a fix for this, but poking around the github issues, I didn’t see much of anything.
I’ve been using an ESP32 with no problems and finally got around to flashing the Shelly RGBW2 with wled and the result is bootloops about every four seconds.
Update: Note that I already have everything possible disabled (MQTT, Alexa, etc.).
Power-on-reset, indicates that the ESP8266 went through a power cycle and rebooted as a result of that.
Often seen randomly if your power supply is dodgy.
You could try to change the PSU.
By the way: having a 1000 uF capacitor in parallel to the 5V is good for this, too.
Or: install the EspExceptionDecoder in the Arduino IDE (instrructions can be found here and do the same procedure as you did to get the reset reason (Serial Port Monitor).
However: Exception 28 is LoadProhibitedCause:
A load referenced a page mapped with an attribute that does not permit loads. (Options: Region Protection or MMU).
I did read that this could happen if there are old WiFi settings stored in the flash.
Comming to the Arduino Core: this is the Arduino Version that is selected with the Board Manager (Menu Tools > Board > Board Manager: search for ESP) then the esp8266 by ESP8266 Community will be displayed and there you can select version and choose 2.4.2.
I’m seeing reboots on 8266 after about 2 minutes and am running the 0.9.1 ledpin4 bin. If I want to try and compile myself in the Arduino IDE, should I use the wled00 dir in source code at the end of the 0.9.1 releases?
Hi, how many LEDs do you have connected? I would recommend you try the latest master source (the green download button on the main page, not the zip from 0.9.1 assets)
50, ok, I’ll try the master, I’m using the Arduino IDE and just have to track down all the libraries. I’m not having any luck with ESPAsyncTCP tho through the library manager. Trying to find the URL to add the git repo to the IDE.
So after uploading the master branch with all defaults, it worked better(approx 10 minutes) before restarting. I then connected to my ssid as a client as opposed to AP mode and it’s been running a test pattern just fine.
I’m having a very similar issue with a NodeMCU v3 (ESP8266). I’ve tried to Erase Flash -> All flash contents but still no luck
I’ve also tried using the Arduino core 2.4.2 and select the Lwip version to 1.4 Higher Bandwidth (Actually I’ve tried with them all…)
I had this working before but after flashing this last time I’m getting a boot loop after introducing my WiFi configuration. I’ve even tried to go back but I have an issue with all WLED versions now.