RF/Wifi Remote to multiple WLED ESP


I am searching for the best way to achieve remote control of N ESP modules running WLED.

The goal is to have one remote, with a range of about 50 meters, which can control a bunch of ESP Wled controllers.
I was initially planning to use RF modules (as nrf24l01) with UART/serial connection but I think that using a “local” WLED controller with Sync method to the others modules might be a better idea…

I imagine having an ESP32/ESP8266 with WLED firmware as a remote in my hand.
Using a button to switch on or off the lights on all the ESP wirelessly.

Does it sound possible ?
If yes, should I use the remote or one of the target ESP as the main AP (for range and sync purposes) ?
Or does the remote, with a better ESP antenna should be used as the coordinator ?


I would like to save the use of a dedicated access-point / router.

Thank you

RF remotes are not supported. You can use a IR remote or physical buttons with one controller as the sync master that will control the other nodes on the network. You will need to check the “Send notifications on button press / IR”. And I’d probably check the “Send notifications twice” box as well. I wouldn’t try connecting a bunch of nodes to the AP. You can get portable, battery powered WiFi routers if needed.

Yes, I know :wink:
That’s why I was initially planning to simulate a button press on each wled ESP, with a NRF24L, µC, and a transistor/relay.
But it seems easy to use the sync function, if the Wifi range is OK.
I already have battery powered access-points, but I wanted to save its use in order to keep it simple for the final users.
I found that an ESP32 can sustain a maximum of 10 IP clients, and this might be insufficient.

Thanks for your advice