“This feature allows you to set different zones on the LED strip, each running a different effect or color.”
But Segments aren’t behaving as expected.
In LED CONFIG – there is also SEGMENT settings.
When entering a 2nd …n segment it asks for GPIO – but this is one strip of lights and one Feather board. It gives an error when I try to enter same GPIO which is #12.
#2) Trying to get Segment 1 to do one thing like a Chase – ON, while Segment 2 is OFF
then second Segment ON, Segment one OFF
there is no segment settings in LED config, those are the output settings. You can configure some defaults for segments there but not the segments themselves.
0-109 leds = Segment 1 ON with like Chase, 120-211 leds Segment 2 is OFF
Segment #2 ON, Segment #1 OFF
I have Segments / Presets running doing things, but not expected results, not even colors. Color order is set correctly. It’s almost like getting additive color results.
I don’t have the laptop handy, but it’s the most recent version of WLED.
The LED Preferences panel is where I found the 2nd Segment Settings, that’s what they were called but yes, they do just seem to be about Output because it wants to know the model of the LEDS and the output pin, but it’s the same name SEGMENT so it was throwing me, given the unexpected results with the Segments so far.
in the settings, there is only the “Make a segment for each output” (and some IR option) that is related to segments.
if you use only one output, that option does nothing.
Segments are used to divide a physical strip into virtual sub-strip parts, that can be controlled individually.
this is how you set it up with segment 0 on, segment 1 off:
Thanks also for the help with the on/off segment sections. Gotta try that and will post back, it looks very different than all my previous attempts.
To do the reverse, is it reasonable to try another PRESET with the opposite 2 SEGMENTS, ON/OFF segments, then use the PLAY LIST - or on different versions think I see it called CYCLE - to play these 2 PRESETS with opposite parts of the lights ON/OFF?
Gotta get hands on, but that’s what I’m thinking to try after trying first the ON/OFF Segments example you shared…hoping I’m getting a better grasp on at least what this first goal is and how to dial it in.
(Though so far not getting expected results at least they did something but not understood/controlled; definitely a learning curve getting used to the WLED system and GUI but it is fun).