Setting multiple outputs ( gpio )

Guess i am doing it wrong , ( led preferences ) set my first gpio with 200 lights , next gpio starts at 200 i added 258 lights so it now says 458 . Ok
Add third gpio , now it starts at 678 ? Add 72 lights now , it says 750
I can control the first 200 lights no problem - BUT - the rest are random !
Am i doing something wrong ?

hi @arcticair welcome
first what controller do you got
what gpio do you use

and did you get 3 segments of the 3 pins or are you working one one segment

in standard Projekts you can run 512 led per port or even on the esp32 800led per port not recomented but it workes

reset segments and of cause all presets after the gpio setup

I have the digoctive 8l , so 8 outputs , when i set my gpio pin . O being the first , gpio 1 being 2nd port ( output ) etc.
I go to set led preference ,
I add gpio 0 , being first output , 0 to 200 lights
Add second output gpio 1 , 200 to 458 ( i added 258 lights )
Press save .
Then back to the main screen check the 2 segments and it shows , 0 to 200
The check next segment and it will show 200 to 658 ( 658 ? ) should read 458 !!
Am i doing this wrong ?
0 to 200 lights work awesome , but the rest do not ?

Please post a pic of your LED Preferences and of your segments.

Photos are sent

I don’t see any problem in the photos, nor do I see anything over 530?¿?


I noticed that also when i did the screen shots , i can’t figure out why it suddenly changed .
Will reconnect the lights today and see if they now work .

Well can’t figure out what is going on , check and rechecked all my solder joints , checked all cables connecting led strips . Verified that each strip is working, Verified that i have 12 volts at each connection, ( 6 strips of 43 lights ) .
Reflashed the wled from digoctive site , it reflashed but then i was unable to connect to the board ( does not redirect you to be able to set ip addres ) .
Reflashed from WLED site and set it up . Reset segments , And gpio s ,
Now w9ndering if i have to turn on something else in the led preference or any of the other sections ?

Try ending your first segment at 199 and your second segment at 457. You got those two LEDs in two different segments. Might make a difference. Might not.

Let me start by saying THANK YOU ,
for some strange reason this morning i turned on the lights and WHAM !!! LOL .
All the lights started working proper, still haven’t figured out why .
Turned them on and off , removed all the power periodically through the day . They came back on and are running like they should , don’t know why maybe a software issue ?
As of 8pm tonight they are working flawlessly!

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I noticed the other day that gpio2 can cause problems if it is wired to something when you flash the esp. I had gpio2 wired to a level shifter and it prevented wled from booting (?) after it was flashed. It appeared to install successfully but never broadcasted an ap. Disconnected it from the level shifter and it worked fine. I’ve actually observed this on several boards. Always thought it was only gpio0 that could be problematic with boot up.

Disconnect everything from the board and try flashing just the bare board. That has helped me in the past.

Digoctive 8l , brainboard , everything was disconnected when i reflashed the board , everything is still good now, BAFFLED as to what happened !

Well if it works it works and I suppose the primary issue will remain a mystery lol. Glad it resolved itself. I guess the takeaway is - if you run into any board flashing problems in the future, pulling the esp board off of the digxxxx/removing all pin connections is a good troubleshooting step.

Question for you - I noticed when I recently flashed my digquad that the drop down menus for led (chip) type were disabled except for the last output. I had to remove all my outputs then add one, select the led type, add another, select the led type, etc. once I added output 2 I could not change output 1. Once I added output 3 I could not change output 2 etc etc. So my question - are you able to change the led type on all you outputs? I’m not sure if this was how things were before updating to the most recent version of wled, but it seems at least now that all but the most recently added led output has the drop down disabled. Weird… Just curious if you see that same behavior since you also recently flashed your board.

Yes mine are blank .
My new issue is not being able to save a preset !

That’s one of the most irritating problems I’ve run into. As far as I can tell, it seems to be linked to the board itself or some magical combination of settings. I’ve reflashed the same problem boards over and over and will continue to have issues saving presets. Other boards… Never an issue. Also had a few occasions where the config wouldn’t load on boot and made it look like the board was reset to defaults. Rebooted it a couple times and the config eventually loaded as normal. I think there are certainly varying qualities of esp32 dev boards. I finally stopped trying to find the cheapest ones and have stuck with some brands that appear to have a little better quality control and finish. The ones that come with all the quin boards are pretty good quality though so not sure what to say.

Sigh, I guess we all know what we are getting into though so can’t be mad.

Use a webbrowser and navigate to YourControllersIP/edit and remove presets.json. Reboot controller and try again (any saved presets will be gone).

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So it will get rid of this ?

How do l do that , remove presets before reflashing ?

Not reflashing.
Open a web browser
type in your controllers ip address/edit

Like: (or whatever your controllers IP is

click on presets.json and delete it.

Reboot your controller (remove power and repower it).