Sometimes the lights turn on - but never do they animate

Hello – I installed my system last November and had good luck with it all the way up until July. When the programming was set to turn on the July 4th fireworks preset it turned on the lights, but they didn’t animate. I also lost the ability to change the lights via the WLED app at the same time. I have reflashed with the latest software, and updated my app - but still, the programming only turns on the lights 1 out of 10 days… and never do the lights cycle through any animation or change colors. When/if they turn on they are frozen.

Dig-Quad (only using one channel at this time)
500 lights
I have a data booster in line

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks - Adam

What version of WLED are you running?
There have been quite a number of updates, and a number involved the Time macros.

v 0.14.0 “Hoshi”

That should be good, can you get your animations to run by manually clicking presets?

You could try building some simple static presets and seeing if they will trip.
Is the NTP time set properly and giving you proper sunrise/sunset times?

I basically have no control over the lights. Clicking on simple presets, or clicking on new colors, or clicking on new effects has no effect on the lights. — They turn on when they feel like it, and stay frozen on that first setting until I power down the digquad. The app has no control.