Strings and segments and dig-uno and WLED

WLED 0.12.0 running on a dig-uno.
Making a Christmas tree with WS-2811 strings
10 strings for the tree and 3 strings for the star.
So thats 500 leds for the tree and 150 leds for the star.
I am running the tree from the first data pin and the star from the second data pin on the dig-uno.
I would like the tree and the star to run different effects, but every setting I have tried always has them identical.

In the settings, I have 650 LEDS total.
In the LED outputs, I have two, the first with start: 0 and Count: 500
the second with start: 0 and Count: 150
It doesn’t seem to matter what I use for segments, but currently I have two. One from 0-500 and one from 500-650.

What am I missing? Thanks for the help!


I figured it out. New settings:
650 LEDS total
LED outputs: 1: start 0, count 500
2: start 500, count 150
Two segments 0-500 and 500-650

Now I can set the segments independently.
