I have three 8266 at version 10.2
1 8266 at version 11
1 UNO at version 11
1 Quad at version 11
Only the quad does not sync. Other devices play everything sent by lead device.
What should I do or check to get Quad to join up?
I have three 8266 at version 10.2
1 8266 at version 11
1 UNO at version 11
1 Quad at version 11
Only the quad does not sync. Other devices play everything sent by lead device.
What should I do or check to get Quad to join up?
We’ll assume that they are all on the same Wi-Fi network.
Did you check to be sure that the UDP port numbers on the Quad match the other devices?
Also be sure to check all the boxes for “receive” on the Quad. If the effects box isn’t checked then it will remain with the effect it was last at.
I’m not sure if it would matter for it or not but the real-time UDP box might need to be also checked.
All of these devices on same network
All have different static IP addresses
All have same UDP number
All check marked for realtime UDP updates
All marked to receive brightness, color, effects
Only lead device marked as send and send twice
Problem device had UDP number changed to wrong number and saved
Then UDP number set correctly, then saved and then rebooted to try and force it to be correct.
The only difference I’ve found in problem device is its “Access Point” IP address is 192:168… rather than 10.0… format of my addresses
Thank you for your interest
Are you running standard v0.11.x on the Dig-Quad? If you are not running the same master branch firmware, it would be difficult to know. If the Dig-Quad has an ip address already, you may need to reload the default firmware for the esp32, led pin 16.
I had problems using binaries from WLED.me, I saw a file Aircookie provided and used it and then loaded a file Quindor recommended on his site. I loaded it via the OTA method.
This is the official location for releases: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/releases
Check the wiki for ESP32 and how to load the firmware. It shows you the 2 step process: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Install-WLED-binary
First load the bootloader, then load the binary.
Yep, tried numerous times and the WLED-AP never showed up. Aircookie posted a “combined” file that loaded easily, then I tried the ledpin16 file OTA, it loaded, but none of the four outputs worked. Quindor recommended the files on his site. Those worked, except these two issues that may or may not be related. 1) the access point has an IP address not in my domain, 2) does not like to be a follower in sync.
Addition note I do not have any segments created.
Sounds like you have not been successful at getting any WLED ESP32’s to join your wifi. Is this correct?
I am trying to understand the root cause. Are you able to use a web browser or WLED app to connect to all your WLED controllers? If so, that’s a great start. If not, that’s essential for getting what you want and we need to address that first.
Additional note: I purchased an UNO and QUAD at the same time. The UNO worked immediately with file from GitHub. Not the Quad, quad would not generate server file WLED-AP. Nothing seemed to work until I used the “combined” file. I built on that, but then outputs did not work until I used a file pointed to by Quindor. Output works fine quad responds to programming from webpage or app. Just no sync.
Rephrase the quad may have been producing a WLED-AP, I just couldn’t find it.
The Dig-Quad Quindor special Alpha build may not enable SYNC. You will need to check with @Quindor on that.
If you are VS Code / Platform IO savvy, you might consider compiling your own version of WLED for the Dig-Quad. There is a recently created usermod that works with ESP32. https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/tree/master/usermods/esp32_multistrip ESP32~
Uhhh…nope…no knowledge…no skills…
Thanks for your interest. I can get by, just liked the multiple, fused outputs of quad. Don’t think neighbors will notice not sync’d.
I sync all mine from the Quad to all my Dig Uno’s and all sync to gether no issues.