Synchronize multiple esp32s as a mesh network and use one esp32 as a pc amd b550 command receiver

Hello, I’m a Brazilian who uses Google translator, if there’s something strange, forgive me. well, I was wondering if it’s possible to make 1 esp32 master of several esp8266s so I can spread them out in my room, and that this esp32 is also a servant of the PC I’m building, so that I can make esp32 read the commands given by the motherboard through the header argb and send to other esps32 pros, and still be able to be turned off and on by Alexa without disturbing the PC commands, is this possible?

wled could not “read the commands given by the motherboard”. I’ve seen people use apps that can sync everything, though.

Wled has a sync feature that allows you to sync all that in the documentation or search sync here on wled community for more info