I have 3 controllers running 14.3. They are on a VW bus and for ease of use I’d like to sync two of them to the master, which is controlled via a wiz remote.
If I fire up the master and press sync the other two will work but when I turn the master off the two synced units will freeze but not turn off. I,m sure one of the reasons is that I have not synced the brightness. This is deliberate as the two controllers need to follow the colours and patterns only so that the brightness can be set separately at 100%.
Is there a way to get these controllers to follow the on/off function?
No. On/Off is linked to brightness.
Cracked it! As I had the Wizremote linked it to all the controllers. So now I have a master ON/OFF. Upgraded the master to V15 as that gives me the option to sync on startup. So all sorted.
You may want to describe your solution in more detail so others can benefit as well.
As you can see from the video WLED is being used to enable a crimbo light display. We tour the bus on various parades some of which are for charity. The largest tour is over 50 decorated VWs. This Sunday will be through central London
There are various controllers in use to manage various aspects of the show. Each have their own shows and Presets.
The master controller (only from the aspect of syncing) controls the logo made of 3 segments O, V, W. Then there are left and right headlight rings and finally the strip running the length of the bus.
Controller 2 manages the 4 windows. These are a serpentine run of 255 LEDs skipping an LED at the top and bottom so I can use a single run of seeds. These are duplicated on the other side of the bus.
The other two controllers manage underbody lights the reason they are on separate controllers is so I can keep them on a high brightness as they are shining down on the tarmac. These are synced with main controller
While I have a WiFi router on board and can manage it all from my iPad I needed to keep it simple for use on the road. Eg I might need to turn it off while driving. So all controllers are registered with the same Wizremote. This gives on/off control, the ability to choose from 4 shows and master brightness.
With nearly 3000 LEDs deployed there is quite a bit of potential current flowing especially at full white. Fortunately I have a separate leisure battery to run it all.