I am having some fun designing some PCBs in a triangle shape. I want to combine three of them and make a Triforce (from legend of zelda). I will 3D print a white or clear case and use it as a Christmas tree topper, and it will be on a desk or counter the rest of the year. I already have one, but the lights are neopixel jewels, which are decidedly not triangles.
Enough with the motivation, here is the PCB right now:
I haven’t done the copper pours for the ground or 5V yet. I am planing on using WS2812B-mini LEDs. They are 3.5mmx3.5mm, so small, but not that hard to solder.
The PCB fab will probably charge the same for 5-10 of them as for 1, so I would like all three triangles to have the same PCB.
First off, what do you think?
Secondly, I have something that would be ready to use. But with a little more effort, I could add in an esp to the back. I am thinking an esp8266-12F, or else an esp32-C3-C05 (Can I even build WLED for the C3?). Any issues with driving 45 LEDs from one 8266?
What would I need for that?
I would need some programming pins (tx,rx, gnd, d0).
I would need a 5V to 3.3V power supply (like an LM1117? It has been a while since I needed one of these). It only needs to power the esp, and only down from 5V to 3.3V. So a buck converter seems like overkill (is it?).
What do I have to do for the antenna? Cut a hole? Just make sure the copper pours aren’t covering the antenna? I don’t want anything to reach outside of the triangle, but I don’t mind a cutout.
If I also added a USB mini, micro, or USB-C connector, I could make the whole thing a lot neater. 45 LEDs at 60mA is over 2.5A, but I could limit it in software. It will be too bright to look at if I let it use all 60mA. I think I have some SMD usb mini connectors in the basement.
What would you do differently? Please share your ideas. It will take a few weeks to get the PCBs, so it probably makes sense to think about what else I could add for a day or two before making the order.