W & B not swapping - blue is tied to white

This question is mainly referred to the hardware mentioned in this post.

So, after fiddling around with protocols the SM16825 finally ended working with a Phillips hue strip. However, blue and CW channels were swapped. After tweaking the settings and choosing swap W&B the issue didnt go away, but rather blue and CW ended up tied together so when i rise white blue also does.

I know this phillips hue strip might not be fully compatible with the SM16825 protocol, it rather seemed to be a software issue what I ended facing up with when trying to swap white and blue, so that is why I am writing this new post.

Has anyone encountered any similar situation? Revertig the mentioned setting results in everything working fine except blue and cold white are swapped.

Same for me but the CW and G are reversed. Did you every figure this out? If we could get CW added to the swap menu I would be all set.