Wled and esphome on one esp board?

I use Home Assistant and I’ve just started using wled, and it’s great.
I’d really love to be able to have a single ESP board (D1 mini or Nodemcu) that is running wled and esphome on it at the same time but I don’t know it it is possible.

If anyone could help me know if it’s possible and a little about how to achieve it that would be awesome.

I have a D1 mini near my door that has several momentary switch push buttons attached to it that report info back to my Home Assistant via esphome, and there is a plain white LED strip there that i control with a button through that D1 Mini too, but I will upgrade the LEDs to WS2812Bs and want wled to control them nicely, but want to keep my other functionality without having to deploy a second ESP board there as space is a bit limited.

If you are an arduino or esp8266 developer, even a fairly new one, you can develop & add a custom set of code (usermod) to WLED that integrates other software with WLED. That said, I think making ESPHOME and WLED work from the same IP address and save physical device will be quite a challenge.
That said, creating custom HA device status / controls that activate http json requests which are interpreted by a WLED usermod to perform the PB actions and send http data to a remote system should be possible.