Hi, I don’t know why, after abut 3-5 min from turnng off manually it starts on again itself. I’ve cheched on timers, all is disabled, apparently on LAN there are no other device that can turn it on, how can I debug that?
I’m not in front of ESP now to check, I’ll have a look. Does it has a log? I haven’t seen it, how can I know when last time it rebooted? I don’t thnk it’s am issue with power, it works nicely 24h without changing effect, aka reboot doesn’t occour when it’s working (else the default preset will be loaded and I’ll notice it). About bittons, I haven’t defined any, the ESP is new, I fleshed it from factory to 0.15.0 and just set the number of LEDs and some effects. What is touch?
What type is the ESP board? The cheap chinese evaluation boards do have the absolute minimum capacity at electrolytic capacitors. The 3,3V rail should have 330 or 470 µF short as possible from ESP “stamp-module”.
Wmos D1 mini with 10µF is a bad joke. Enough for short demonstrations, but to poor for a serious job.
if it is not rebooting (i.e. not showing the bootup preset) but turns back on to the previous state, it must have received a command to do so. the code does not randomly decide to do that. So options are that buttons turn it on (check you have all buttons set to disabled), touch is touch buttons, but not available on 8266 (I missed that bit). there is also options to load presets on a predefined time. if it is non of that, you can install a DEBUG version and monitor the serial output for information.
Thank you mates, in the evening I’ll make test, I’ll watch if it will turn on with latest effect or the boot one, I’ll disable the NTP and see it it can help
Yes it’s a cheap chinese Wemos mini powered with 5V (so I take advance of the internal regulator to 3,3v), but I have one at home for long time, and never suffered such problem (with previous versions). Thanks for saying it, I’ll add a 330uF 10v right on the +3,3v pin
Hi mates, I can’t find the post that indicated the NTP client problem, I’ve disabled it and the 8266 keeps OFF as it should.
In my opinion the problem is located on new version 0.15.0, and it’s not related to power issues, or poor chinese board. Can somebody advice please the author? How can I notify him about that? Thanks
check if there is an issue (open or closed) about it open on github, open one if there is not and provide details on how to reproduce it, posting error-logs is also helpful.