Would this work

I got pack of 3 5-meter 300 LEDS per meter https://www.amazon.co.uk/BTF-LIGHTING-Flexible-Individually-Addressable-Non-waterproof/dp/B01CDTEJBG/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=ws2812b%2Bled%2Bstrip&qid=1702024206&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 and I was wondering if https://www.athom.tech/blank-1/wled-high-power-led-strip-controller

This would work with it

± 60mA led → 300leds x 5M= 1.500leds x 60mA = 90.000mA = 90A?

I don’t think so.

Do you know any controller that would work for me and is nice and simple to use and make it work

The strip you linked is not 300leds per meter it is 60 leds per meter
The controller you linked is esp02 ( esp8266 2M version ) , esp8266 is not the best but will work , power for the leds has nothing to do with the controller .
For full list of controllers look here ( best take an esp32 based for the long term )

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Hi im am new to this I would be buying 3 rolls of 5 meters is there any controllers you would recommend to me what are premade and nice to install cheers

Sounds like you need an easy solution, so I would get this: Pre-Assembled QuinLED-Dig-Quad - quinled.info You really should do a bunch of research on how to connect things and how to provide proper power/power injection.

Maybe watch some of Dr Zzs and Qunidor’s videos on youtube as well as having a read of the KB

Just so you know WLED is a very DIY universe, generally speaking it is not a just buy this or that and plug it in sort of project. If looking for an off the shelf just connect it and it works sort of thing you may want to look at Twinkly, Govee or Phillips Hue products.

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90 Amps seems like a lot.

Power 0.3W/LED, 18W/m
go to see the Specification
0.3w/5v=0.06A 1 led, next 0.06A300led = 18A (P=UA) I think,
but you are wrong about the number of LEDs
“300leds x 5M” you have 60 led/m = 300leds in 5m, for 5m/300leds you need MAX 18Amps.
Yes if you want 1500 LEDs ((60led*5m)*5 pack) =1500led you need 90Amps.