Ws2815 rgb + w?

I am renovating my house and incorporating some led strips between the wall and ceiling in a couple of areas. Because the lengths of the strips will be 8m (27ft) and 5m (17ft) i am planning on using a 12v strip. Important criteria are a good white (RGB only is insufficient) and good resolution (>=60pixels/m). I unfortunately find the options to be quite limited. SK6812 is a candidate but at the lower end of the resolution because my understanding is that at 12v it uses 3 pixels, one each for R, G and B thereby cutting the resolution.

WS2815 uses a single pixel at 12v but I have not been able to find a strip with RGB + W.
Does anyone know if this configuration exists?Thanks in advance!

Altough not a single pixel the WS2814 runs at 12v, and has Warm or Cool White. it is available in 60pixel/m.