WT32ETH01 - help with useable pins please

Hi, i amplanning a custom pcb for WT32ETH01 mit 8 channels, 1 relay and I2C. Can somebody verify my pin layout please?

WLED Data channels:

  • IO 2,4,12,14,17,1,3,5


  • IO 15


  • 32,33

still free: 35,36,29 - but they seem to be R/O and therefore unusable for WLED, right? Or can i use them e.g. for 1wire?


Thanks, but for the WT32-ETH01 it is more confusing for me. For some pins like IO0 i find specs with “can not” and “possible, but avoid for boot issues”

So i asked if somebody has a trustable refernece for WT32-ETH01 or could crosscheck my selection above.

Looks good.

IO0 is used for the Ethernet clock, so don’t use (besides flashing of course).

Could use them for buttons (with external pullups) or an IR/RF receiver, anything that’s only an input to the esp.

There’s this already as inspiration: WT32-ETH01 - 8-Channel WS2811/WS2812 LED Driver Board - WLED - FastLED - 5V/24V | eBay