Adding the SR function to an existing ESP32

I have a Waveshare ESP 32-S that I connected to WLED and have had no problems. However I did not activate the SR function. Now I want to use the SR function for music controlled LEDs, but WLED will not take me to that setup menu. How do get this existing setup changed to SR ?

You need to make sure you load a version of WLED that is compatible with your ESP32 board and contains the SR module.

Exactly what board module are you using?
Where did you get your WLED .bin file?

It is a 38 pin, ESP 32-S, NODEMCU V 1.3 purchased on 9/28/22.
I got it on I have had no problems with the install or operation. I just want to add the SR function and I cannot go to the page that will facilitate it. Should I perform a Factory Reset to go back to the beginning ? The SR option was available the first time I programmed the ESP 32, but I was unaware that I needed that option to make the ESP music responsive. So…how do I get back to that particular screen ???

When you did the install at, did you choose “Audioreactive” as the subsection, before you chose the version (014.1 or 0.13.3)?

You should be able to plug your board into USB and reflash via the web installer.

Jan 23, 2024. No, I did not choose “Audioreactive” as the subsection. I saw thew option, but did not choose it.

That’s what SR is called now, you’ll need that version to get SR functions (guess we should be saying AR).

The version installed is WLED 0.14.1. Everything on the existing set up works just fine except the sound reactive option. So how can I go back to the setup menu and start over to add SR ? Should I perform a Factory Reset on the ESP 32 and start over ???

Just perform a reinstall with the AudioReactive .bin in
Save your presets and config if required.

I finally bit the bullet and started over. I have two ESP 32 boards and did not realize there was a conflict with the IP addresses. They were both communicating with the wi-fi but I had them connected via USB to my PC. WLED got confused with my setup and shut me down. After I kind of figured out what was happening and why, I tried powering each board external to the PC. I was surprised to discover that I could configure either one of them separtely via the wi-fi. Now both are setup with the sound reactive function and everything seems good at this writting. I am very new to all of this, so I having to write down everything I do. But I do have some really good notes. LOL

Welcome to the club!

Glad you got it sorted out.
Now the real fun can begin :sunglasses: