DigUNO with DS18B20

I am beginning to accumulate some heat in the power supply enclosure and might wish to have an exhaust fan triggered. There is a place on the DigUNO where a DS18B20 could be soldered to. If a DS18B20 in the transistor package is wired into the circuit will it require a pull up resistor, or was that incorporated into the DigUNO circuitry?

Good question for @Quindor hope he sees this :slightly_smiling_face:

I think there is one. You can check his schematics or trace wires on the PCB.

If we’re talking the pre-assembled version of the board then yes the resistor and capcaitor required for the DS18B20 are still there. I decided to remove the sensor itself to optimize costs a bit since it was a less used feaure, the passives really didn’t make a cost difference though so those are left on the board.

Thank you

Thank you.